Research Articles

If you don't take our word for it, read the scientific research articles yourself.

Here are a few scientific research articles. Please click the link to read more or download the pdf directly from our website. 

Extending the Shelf Life of Atlantic Salmon with
Sub-Chilled Storage and Modified Atmosphere Packaging

A comparative study of Atlantic salmon chilled in refrigerated seawater versus on ice: from whole fish to cold-smoked fillets.

A comparative study on quality, shelf life and sensory attributes of Atlantic salmon slaughtered on board slaughter vessels against traditional land-based facilities.

Effect of chilling technologies on water holding properties and other quality parameters throughout the whole value chain: From whole fish to cold-smoked fillets of Atlantic salmon.

Using renowned chefs for VeriTaste™ as a sensory method analysis in food products – A comparison of Atlantic salmon stored in refrigerated seawater and on ice.

Reduce the number of handling of the fish
No loss in the slaughter operation
Better quality - Longer shelf life
cooling chain
Faster to
the market